(1) Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Cendekia Utama Kudus
(2) Institut Teknologi Kesehatan Cendekia Utama Kudus
(*) Corresponding Author
Hypertension is the most common disease that affects around 40% of the adult population worldwide and is called the silent killer. Compliance with taking prescription drugs is very necessary to avoid the risk of complications and minimize medical expenses. Improved adherence will provide maximum benefit from the prescribed medication and this is one simple strategy in the management of hypertension. Non- compliance with the use of anti-hypertensive drugs and obesity will be detrimental to the patient itself and is a factor that causes the failure of therapy being undertaken. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the level of adherence to taking antihypertensive and obesity drugs to blood pressure in hypertensive patients. This type of research was observational analytic with cross sectional approach using total sampling of 67 respondents. The instruments used were questionnaires and calibrated instruments namely mercury sphygmomanometer, stethoscope and stature meter and digital scales. Statistical tests used Chi Square with a significance level of ? = 0.05 or 95%. Multivariate analysis using binary regression analysis. Obtained p value = 0,000 (p<0.05) from the level of adherence to taking antihypertensive and obesity drugs to blood pressure in patients with hypertension. The magnitude of the influence of patients with hypertension who are obedient in taking high category drugs has a controlled blood pressure of 6,857 times compared to patients with obedient hypertension who take low medication. While the magnitude of the influence of patients with hypertension who are obese I have controlled blood pressure as much as 5,558 times compared to patients with obesity hypertension II. There is a significant relationship between the level of adherence to taking anti-hypertensive and obesity drugs to blood pressure in hypertensive patients
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